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(i) Giving Thanks in Prosperity
Citing verses from
Psalm 103
, the Speaker exhorted the congregation to first thank God for life, good health and the
freedom to worship. While celebrating the birth of Jesus, we should also give thanks for the sacrificial death of Jesus
Christ for our salvation.
Referring to the autobiography of former Principal Dr Catherine Woo, the Speaker then gave many examples of divine
grace that had been shed on the college throughout its long history, such as godly and faithful founders, generous
donors, timely provision in lean times, miraculous protection during WWII, God-fearing leaders and committed
teachers whose exemplary lives have nurtured generations of graduates characterised by humility, gentleness, a high
sense of morality and responsibility, outstanding scholastic achievement, a zeal for service and a passion for music.
Lastly, the graduates were reminded to thank God for the opportunity of knowing God and his Word – the solid
foundation on which our faith, hope, love and ability to discern are built.
(ii) Giving Thanks in Adversity
Quoting excerpts from
Psalm 66
and referring to Dr Catherine Woo’s autobiography once again, the Speaker urged
the congregation to adopt a positive and thankful attitude in the face of adversity, for hardship and suffering might
well be a God-sent opportunity for honest self-reflection, soul-cleansing and reconciliation. He told the story of Dr
Woo’s seven-year bout with a crippling arthritis that forced her to retire in 1952. Her disability gave her the time to
travel to a retreat centre on an island in Lake Michigan, USA, where she was led to reflect on her past life. Her humble
self-reflection revealed her lack of absolute unselfishness and love; and upon her genuine repentance before God and
corresponding actions towards those whom she had offended, her illness was completely healed. Through her suffering,
God equipped and enlarged her for a greater mission: Dr Woo totally immersed herself in the worldwide ministry of the
Moral Re-armament Movement (MRA) for the rest of her life.
The Speaker concluded by encouraging the hearers to embrace adversity, for it shapes us to be more sympathetic and
empathetic listeners, comforters, encouragers and healers. Trials are truly blessings-in-disguise.
Group photo of the conductors, organist, Alumni Choir, Alumni’s Children’s Choir, scripture readers, and Organising Committee.
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