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Booths were decorated with flags, brochures and badges, and manned by proud alumni from various generations! “What is a
liberal arts college? Should we choose the US or the UK? Are AP exams required?” The event opened up new perspectives for
students facing an increasingly wide range of college options nowadays. Stories from learning experiences, living environment and
admission tips to choosing majors were shared with more than 300 attendees. In response to attendees’ requests last year, we also
lengthened the free-flow sharing session this year – and as always, parents and students hardly wanted to leave, especially at the
UK university booths!
I also wish to especially thank my event organising partners, Christina Gaw (1989) and Harold Wong (1987). Please let us
know if you are interested in representing your university next year and share your very own college experience with the young
generation of SPCC!
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